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Image Related Classes

Image Class


Bases: object

Class to create and manipulate the standard azcam image object.

filename = '' instance-attribute

image filename

filetype = 0 instance-attribute

image file type

is_written = 0 instance-attribute

True when image has been written to disk

make_lockfile = 0 instance-attribute

True to make a lock file when image is written

overwrite = 0 instance-attribute

True to allow overwritting image file

test_image = 0 instance-attribute

True when the image is a test image (overwrite is automatic)

title = '' instance-attribute

title string

toggle = 0 instance-attribute

True when image is first ready

valid = 0 instance-attribute

True when image is valid


Assemble .data into .buffer.


Read FITS image file (standard or MEF).

set_scaling(gains=None, offsets=None)

Set gains and offsets for image assembly.


Name Type Description Default
gains list[float] | None

gains values for each image section in [e/DN]

offsets list[float] | None

offsets or bias values for each image section


write_file(filename, filetype=-1)

Write image to disk file. filetype is 0 for FITS, 1 for MEF, 2 for BIN, 6 for assembled.

Focalplane Class


Bases: ObjectHeaderMethods

The FocalPlane class describes a focalplane layout.


Create an instance of FocalPlane class.


Returns the focal plane configuration.


Return a list of current detector format parameters


Returns a list of the ROI parameters for the roi_num specified. Currently only one ROI (0) is supported. Returned list format is (first_col,last_col,first_row,last_row,col_bin,row_bin).


Resets detector ROI values to full frame, current binning.


Calculates amplifiers positions including gaps between amplifiers and CCDs New: Zareba 23Mar2012


Sets default values for focalplane variables


Set the extension position of each amplifier. xy is [[X,Y]] in index numbers, starting at [1,1].

set_focalplane(numdet_x=-1, numdet_y=-1, numamps_x=-1, numamps_y=-1, amp_cfg=[0])

Sets focal plane configuration. Use after set_format() and before set_roi(). This command replaces SetConfiguration. Default focalplane values are set here. numdet_x defines number of detectors in Column direction. numdet_y defines number of detectors in Row direction. numamps_x defines number of amplifiers in Column direction. numamps_y defines number of amplifiers in Row direction. amp_cfg defines each amplifier's orientation (ex: [0,1,2,3]). 0 - normal 1 - flip x 2 - flip y 3 - flip x and y

set_format(ns_total=-1, ns_predark=-1, ns_underscan=-1, ns_overscan=-1, np_total=-1, np_predark=-1, np_underscan=-1, np_overscan=-1, np_frametransfer=-1)

Set the detector format. Args: ns_total: number of visible columns ns_predark: number of physical dark underscan columns ns_underscan: desired number of desired dark underscan columns ns_overscan: number of dark overscan columns np_total: number of visible rows np_predark: number of physical dark underscan rows np_underscan: number of desired dark underscan rows np_overscan: number of desired dark overscan rows np_frametransfer: rows to frame transfer shift


Set JPG image positions.


Set the reference pixel. xy is [X,Y] in pixels.

set_roi(first_col=-1, last_col=-1, first_row=-1, last_row=-1, col_bin=-1, row_bin=-1, roi_num=0)

Sets the ROI values for a specified ROI. Currently only one ROI (0) is supported. These values are for the entire focal plane, not just one detector.


Update focal plane keywords for single extension


Update headers, reading current data.


Update focal plane keywords in header

WCS Class


Bases: object


Get RA and DEC from telescope header. They should have been copied from telescope header to this image header.