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Bases: Tester

Linearity acquisition and analysis. Fit is normally 10% to 90% of estimated saturation. Mean residual is mean of absolute residuals in fitted range.

fit_order = 3 instance-attribute

fit order for overscan correction

acquire(NumberExposures='prompt', max_exposure='prompt')

Acquire a series of flats at increasing exposure levels to determine lnearity. Assumes that filename, timing code, and binning are already set as desired. NumberExposures is the number of exposure levels in sequence max_exposure is the maximum exposure time in seconds.


Analyze a series of flats which have already been taken for linearity.

plot(MinPoint=0, MaxPoint=-1, MinSpec=-1, MaxSpec=-1)

Plot linearity and residuals curve(s). Min and Max Points are limits for plot (as point numbers). Min and Max Spec are x-limits to plot specifications ( as point numbers).


Write report file.